November 23

Blog #3 Superpower

If I could have a superpower, I would want to be able to create things out of thin air, like ice to stand on and basically fly, or food, or water to put out a house, or money to help those in need. I could do basically anything with it. I could turn invisible or invincible by putting a shell of hardened air around myself or others. It would revolutionize firefighting and police work, and I think I could really change the world with it.

November 14

Blog #2 Travel Locations

I want to go to Paris because I like food, and it has a lot. Also, the Eiffel Tower seems really pretty, so I want to see it. There is a really pretty river there as well, so I want to see that too. Overall it just seems like a really cool place, and the rest of Europe, in general, is always really cool.

November 3

Add Media Directions

First, you need to download an image by clicking with 2 fingers on your mousepad, then click “Save image as…” then name it whatever you want.

Next, click “Add Media” in your post

Click “Select Files”, then click the image that you saved earlier and click “Open” then “insert into post”

You’re done!

November 3

Blog #1 Bio Poem

My bio poem is as follows


Academic, helpful, keen, hard-working

Sibling of Ezri, Miranda, Logan

Lover of Cats, video games, Frogs

Who feels cheery, bored, content

Who fears heights, deep water, being wrong

Who would like to see Venice, Paris, Tokyo

Resident of Springfield, Oregon